
1. Use of sauna and steam room should not exceed 60 minutes total. Maximum use 15 minutes per session. Excessive exposure can be  harmful to health.

2. Exit immediately if uncomfortable, dizzy or sleepy.

3.  Check with a doctor before use if pregnant, in poor health or under medical care.

4. Check if your eye wear / lenses are heat resistant.

5. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed in the sauna and steam room.

6. Children under 13 are not allowed.

7. Children under 18 must be supervised by an adult.

8.  Do not touch or open sauna heaters. Kelo Spa & Steam employees only are allowed to operate sauna heaters.

9. Always  make sure to use a towel to cover the sitting area inside the sauna as the benches may have natural residual sap on surface.

10. Always wear a sauna hat to protect from heat and sap drops.

11. Use anti-slip flip flops at all times. Be careful when entering sauna, steam room and shower area. Water may create slippery surface.

12. Soaps, lotions, flammables, chemicals, products made from plastic, flammables,  means of personal hygiene are strictly prohibited inside the sauna room and steam room.

13. Scrubs are not allowed inside the sauna room. Customers can enjoy scrubs in the steam room and shower area.

14. Platza bench is designated to platza sessions. You  may be asked to move to large L-shape bench. Be respectful and cooperate.

15. Any visitor is allowed to add water onto the sauna heater rocks. Please be respectful and mindful of other guests when doing so.

16. Steam room is a designated room for Glazing, Foam Wash and Scrub Services. Guests are welcome to enjoy the steam room when the treatments are not in progress.

17. BYOB, outside food items, drugs, smoking or vaping is not allowed.

18. No cameras or cell phones are allowed.

19. Lewd behavior will not be tolerated. Violators will be banned for life.

20. All guests in the lounge area must wear robes, towels or swimwear.